Cranial 4 Kids: Paediatric Osteopath --Tracey Jones


TeenagersThis is a time of great change for the body, and for the relationships of young people both within and outside the family. Stress is likely to build, increasing the chance of illness and injury.

Osteopathy provides a gentle, non invasive approach to health issues and can contribute to general well being at a time when it is often hard for parents to know how best to help. The positive experience of osteopathy at this age can lay a foundation for a lifetime of health-care that is not pharmaceutically dependent.

Teenagers present with a wide range of difficulties ranging from family disputes to growing pains to sporting injuries.

Medical conditions may be assisted by osteopathy by encouraging the body to play a full role in recovery and health, even if the teenager is taking medications for the ailment.

Rapid anatomical and emotional growth may result in both physical and psychological upheaval which may be assisted by the calming and rebalancing of osteopathy. Osteopathy can assist the body to achieve a stable state upon which rapid periods of growth can take place.